We have moved to the new platform, updated our free online GIS tools, and added more geogrpahic conversions.

GIS Converters

Geodetic to Cartesian on Datum
Geodetic to Cartesian on Different Datum
Geodetic to Cartesian on Ellipsoid
Geodetic to Cartesian on Custom Ellipsoid

Cartesian to Geodetic on Datum
Cartesian to Geodetic on Different Datum
Cartesian to Geodetic on Ellipsoid
Cartesian to Geodetic on Custom Ellipsoid

Geodetic to UTM on Datum
Geodetic to UTM on Different Datum
Geodetic to UTM on Ellipsoid
Geodetic to UTM on Custom Ellipsoid

UTM to Geodetic on Datum
UTM to Geodetic on Different Datum
UTM to Geodetic on Ellipsoid
UTM to Geodetic on Custom Ellipsoid

UTM Zone Lookup
UTM Zone Central Meridian Lookup

Geodetic to USNG on Datum
Geodetic to USNG on Different Datum
Geodetic to USNG on Ellipsoid
Geodetic to USNG on Custom Ellipsoid

USNG to Geodetic Datum
USNG to Geodetic on Different Datum
USNG to Geodetic on Ellipsoid
USNG to Geodetic on Custom Ellipsoid

NAD27 ⇄ NAD83
NAD27 to NAD83
NAD83 to NAD27

DMS to Decimal
Decimal to DMS

Great Circle Distance on Ellipsoid
Great Circle Distance on Custom Ellipsoid

Bearing on Ellipsoid
Bearing on Custom Ellipsoid

Destination on Ellipsoid
Destination on Custom Ellipsoid

GIS References

Ellipsoid Reference
Map Scales (Metric)
Map Scales (US)